Based on the beloved holiday film, Elf: The Musical tells the story of Buddy, who is raised believing that he is an elf of the North Pole. That is, until his massive size and poor toy-making abilities cause him to face the cold truth. With Santa's permission, Buddy then embarks on a journey of self-discovery to New York City to track down his birth father, who is in desperate need of some Christmas spirit.
Production information
Elf: The Musical
The London Grand Theatre, London, ON, Canada
Director: Dennis Garnhum
Choreographer: Lisa Stevens
Musical Director: Alexandra Kane
Set Design: Scott Penner
Lighting Design: Kim Purtell
Costumes: Dana Osborne
Sound Design: Brian Kenny
Book by Thomas Meehan and Bob Martin
Music by Matthew Sklar
Lyrics by Chad Beguelin
Based on the New Line Cinema film written by David Berenbaum